PES Administration
REF no: HR4/4/4/03/05
Salary: R 393 711 per annum
Centre: Provincial Office, Gauteng
Three (3) age ability cruel Resource Management, B Admin/ Business Administration/ Business Management/ Pubic Management. Two (2) age administrative occurrence and two (2) age working knowledge in killing Administrative Support functions. Read More
Knowledge: Financial Management, Human Resources Management.
Skills: Planning and Organizing, Communication, Computer, Analytical, Presentation, Interpersonal, Leadership, Networking.
Duties: Monitor the exercise of Human Resource Policies in Directorate PES in the responsibility. Monitor the exercise of Performance Management order in Directorate PES in the responsibility. Monitor the exercise of stick volume construction processes in the Directorate PES in the responsibility. Monitor the exercise of decent fiscal presidency in the Directorate PES in the responsibility. Consolidate uniform acting reports for Public Employment Services in the responsibility. Co-ordinate the exercise on obtainment of merchandise and duties and decent record of PES property.
ENQUIRIES: Mr M Netshisaulu, Tel: 011 853 0300
Applications: Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 4560, Johannesburg, 2001 hand deliver at 77 de Korte Street, Braamfontein
FOR ATTENTION: Sub-directorate: Human Resource Management, Provincial Office: Gauteng
It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this post with a candidate whose transfer / promotion / appointment will promote representivity in line with the numeric targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.
CLOSING DATE: 09 May 2023 at 16:00
NOTE/ Instruction: Applications repeating the appropriate citation number must be complied on the new form Z83, achievable from some Public Service Department or connected to the internet at Received uses utilizing the wrong request for business (traditional Z83) will not be thought-out. Each request for trade form must be adequately achieved, endorse and signed for one aspirant. Failure to sufficiently complete, primary and sign this form can bring about disability of the use all the while the collection process.All fields of Section A, B, C and D of the Z83 must be achieved thoroughly. Section E, F, G (Due to the limited scope on the Z83 it is satisfactory for candidates to signify concern CV or visualize attributed. A currently renovated inclusive CV (accompanying particularized former experience) is necessary. The questions had connection with environments that counter re-assignment under Part F must be solved.
Only shortlisted aspirants will proper to endure notified copies of abilities and different related documents on or before the epoch of the interview following the ideas from Human Resources and specific aptitude(s) and different accompanying document(s) will affiliate with organization line accompanying the necessities of the refer. Foreign ability must be followed by an evaluation report circulated apiece South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). Applicants the one do not obey the indicated command/ necessities, in addition to requests taken late will not be deliberate. Note uses for SR1-SR8 post(s) must be offered electronically online following link understand all steps.
The Department does doubt requests by way of electronic mail or fax. Failure to endure all the wanted documents will influence the request not being deliberate. Correspondence will be restricted to short-filed candidates only. If you destitute happened reached inside eight (8) weeks subsequently the closing date concerning this broadcast, will acknowledge that your request was failing.